Caja Rural del Sur

Arquinur + (bau)m arquitecture - Sevilla

Caja Rural del Sur - Arlex

Order, elegance and clarity in an innovative space

Proyecto Caja Rural del Sur

The project sought to achieve an internal order that would reinforce the clarity of the spaces. Three main pieces organize the new layout and, as central islands, organize all circulations and divide the different areas without the need for corridors.

Wooden panelling with flush doors and slat fronts enhance the minimalism of the perimeter and the central islands. Interiors of the most representative rooms are covered with grooved wooden panels, to enhance the condition of independent volume within the room, pursuing the idea of “box within a box.”

Two of the main concepts were visual comfort and controlling privacy of spaces, guaranteeing transparency when necessary and visual and acoustic independence in other cases.

Materials, colours and textures were studied to produce both a feeling of calm and a strong representative character, and to try to achieve a certain elegance intrinsic to the space. Acoustic comfort is further reinforced using a double glazed acoustic partition, grooved wood panelling and braided recycled vinyl covering for the floor.



Caja Rural del Sur Project Gallery

Collaborative project Arlex & Arquinur + (bau)m arquitecture